Road tunnel Gubrist, 3. tube (Los 201), Switzerland


Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA, Wintenthur, Switzerland

General contractor

ARGE Tunnel Gubrist, Moosseedorf, Switzerland

Construction period

February 2018 – March 2021

Description of the objects:

Project 3rd Tube of the tunnel Gubrist is a part of the building of the north bypass of Zürich and consists of the following object:

Driven tunnel in the length of 3 km

  • Cross section – ca 180 m2
  • Diameter of the excavation – 15,44 m / 14,45 m
  • Total volume of the excavation – ca 500 000 m3
  • New escape corridors – 12 pcs
  • Underground central service Sunnerain
  • Engineering network collector under the pavement
  • Suspended ceiling

External tunnel portal´s objects Affoltern in the length 77 m

External tunnel portal´s objects Weiningen in the length 223 m

Technology of construction: drill and blast driving works, supporting of the excavation

Executed works: driving and supporting