Tunnel Feuerfelsen – driving works

VDE 8.1 Neubaustrecke Ebensfeld – Erfurt, BA 3121, VP Coburg Ost, NBS Bau-km 19.1+30 – 24.8+95


Deutsche Bahn AG, Leipzig, Germany

Superior Contractor

Arge Marti Coburg Ost, Germany

Construction period

December 2010 – December 2011

Description of Objects:

  • tunnel Feuerfelsen 1 003 m is a part of transport project, “Deutsche Einheit Nr.8.1” construction of high speed railway Nürnberg-Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle-Berlin

Construction technology:
Tunnel is driven by the NATM – New Austrian Tunnelling Method – by using drilling and blasting works, in a way of split bench.

Executed works:

  • driving of tunnel tube of double track railway tunnel, profile 166 m2 (calotte 85 m2, bench 48 m2, invert 33 m2)
  • driving of escape gallery NA1, NA2, profile 17 m2
  • length of tunnel tube is 1 003 m
  • length of escape gallery NA1 92,7 m
  • length of escape gallery NA2 132 m
  • height of overburden is from 10 to 25 m
  • primary support of tunnels by using of shocrete, lattice girders, wire meshes and rock anchors type SWELEX