Tunnel Branisko, motorway D1 Behárovce – Branisko

I. and II. stage – right tunnel
Length of bored part represents 4.822 m. Length of west portal represents 73.4 m and east portal 79.2 m. The width of road between kerbstones reaches 7.5 m. There are 1-m wide sidewalks on both sides of the road. Traffic area height represents 4.5 m. Maximum road incline is 1.2 %. Tunnel cross-section represents 68 m2.


Slovenská správa ciest, Bratislava

Superior Contractor

Branisko Consortium represented by Vodohospodárska výstavba, Bratislava

Construction period

May 1997 – June 2002

Construction technology and completed structures:

  • waterproofing of the right tunnel tube 65 000 m2
  • armouring and concreting works at secondary lining of the lower vault in 2 440 m length, 5 100 m3 of concrete mixture
  • armouring and concreting works at secondary lining of the upper vault in 2 440 m length, 18 800 m3 of concrete mixture
  • armouring and concreting works of tunnel tube interslab in 2 440 m length, 4 500 m3 of concrete mixture,
  • sewer system and drainage of tunnel in the length of 2 440 m
  • road stabilization, construction of pavements, installation of ducts for LV, HV and telecommunication networks distributions
  • 2500 m long fire water-main, tunnel architecture