Extension of the Underground Hydro Power Plant Búrfell, Iceland


Landsvirkjun, Iceland

General contractor

ÍAV Marti Búrfell sf. (JV – Íslenskir aðalverktakar hf., Marti Contractors Ltd., Marti Tunnelbau AG)

Construction period

April 2016 – October 2017

Object description: Extension of existed hydro power plant with additional increase in power to 100 MW constructing new ground and underground object.

Construction technology: Tunnels are driving with drill&blast works by Norwegian Tunneling Method – NTM

Executed works:

  • underground powerhouse in the total length of 65 m, width of 15 m, height of 33 m with other technological objects;
  • trailrace tunnel with the cross section 72 m2 and the length of 450 m;
  • access tunnel with the cross section 47 m2 and the total length of 498 m;
  • primary lining by shotcrete with steel fibers and rock bolts SWELEX, IBO and mortared SN anchors in the length of 3 – 9 m.