Agglomeration Valaská – sewerage and WWTP


Stredoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s.

General Contractor

Joint venture Valaská, S – T – H

Construction period

September 2017 – August 2020

Technology of construction:

Construction of the sewerage in the total length of 19 km in villages Valaská and Hronec , reconstruction of existed WWTP Valaská, construction of the WWTP for Hronec municipality.

Executed works:

  • Sewerage (DN 200 – DN 300) and pressure pipeline, relocation of drink water pipeline (DN 32 – DN 160), construction of the pumping stations (9 pcs), LV connections to the pumping stations (9 pcs).
  • Hronec WWTP with capacity of 1 400 p.e.
  • Valaská WWTP with capacity of 3 900 p.e.