Reconstruction of water source, Bratislava – Pečniansky les


Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., Bratislava

Construction period

December 2010 – April 2012

Objects description:
Subject of contract is reconstruction of water source Pečniansky les, its main and only activity is production of fresh water, disinfection and delivery to water supply system of capital city Bratislava.

Executed works:

  • complete delivery of pumping filling station including machine-technological and electrotechnological part
  • complete delivery of switch room distribution plant and transformer station including machine-technological and electro technological part
  • complete delivery of chlorine room
  • reconstruction of service building
  • reconstruction of fitting chamber water tank 2×5000 m³
  • delivery of pumping wells – 34 pieces
  • area fencing around the water source
  • automated process control systems, measuring and regulation (MaR) in terms of contractor standards