Technical infrastructure of the industrial park in Čadca


Municipality of Čadca

General contractor

Severoslovenské vodárne a kanalizácie, a.s.

Construction period

September 2018 – April 2019

Description of the objects:

  • BO 01 Extension of the public water main
  • BO 02 Extension of the public sewerage system

Technology of construction:
Pipelines will be placed parallely in a open trench with vertical walls

Executed works:

  • BO 02: Gravitational sewerage – pipeline DN 300 PVC-U SN8 in the total length of 938,5 m, sewerage connections – 8 pcs
  • BO 01: Water main – pipeline HDPE PE110*6,6 SDR17 PN10 in the total length of 935 m, watter connections – 4 pcs