Sewerage system, Lužianky


Municipality of Lužianky

General contractor

Joint venture Lužianky, T-H-V-P, TuCon – leader of the Joint venture Lužianky, T-H-V-P

Construction period

March 2015 – December 2015

Description of the objects and executed works:

1st. Stage

  • BO 01 Gravity sewerage,
  • BO 01 01 Sewerage connections,
  • BO 02 Pressure sewerage,
  • Vinárska street – sewerage,
  • BO 03 Pumping stations,
  • BO 03 01 LV connections,
  • TP 01 Pumping stations – technology,
  • TP 01 01 Power current wiring.

2nd. Stage

  • BO 01 Gravity sewerage,
  • BO 01 01 Sewerage connections,
  • BO 02 Pressure sewerage,
  • BO 03 Pumping stations,
  • BO 03 01 LV connections,
  • TP 01 Pumping stations – technology,
  • TP 01 01 Power current wiring.

Construction technology: open excavation and trenchless technology