Severoslovenská Vodárenská Spoločnosť a.s. Žilina
Construction period
May 2011 – October 2012
Structures description:
- SO 100-11 Sedimentation tanks
- SO 100-19 Sewage pipes
- SO 100-21 Sewerage in WWTP
- SO 100-22 Water distribution
- SO 100-23 Cable routes
- SO 100-26 Landscaping
- SO 100-27 Fencing
Construction technology:
SO 100-11 Sedimentation tanks
- Repairing works of fitting chambers
- Supply & Installation of locksmith products
- Pressure pipes DN 300 lying in an open cut area for slurry outflow from sedimentation tanks
- Watertightness tests for sedimentation tanks
SO 100-19 Sewage pipes
- Pressure pipes DN 100 lying in an open cut area for floating debris outflow from pumping stations
- Pumping stations objects construction of reinforced-concrete (RC)
- Supply & Installation of locksmith products
SO 100-21 Sewerage in WWTP
- Sewage construction DN 300 in an open cut area
SO 100-22 Water distribution
- Water main construction DN 150 for distribution of operating water in WWTP area
SO 100-23 Cable routes
- Cable routes lying
- Prefabricated cable shafts installation for Energo-channels
- Energo-channels construction
SO 100-26 Landscaping
- Landscaping in WWTP area
SO 100-27 Fencing
- Fences construction in WWTP area