Sewerage – Krásnovce, Šamudovce


Východoslovenská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., Košice

General contractor

Joint Venture Šamudovce, TuCon – SMS – EKOSVIP – K&K Technology

Construction period

June 2014 – June 2015

Descriptions of the objects and executed works:

Sewerage Krásnovce

  • SO 01 – Sewerage system Krásnovce,
  • SO 02 – Delivery conduit in the sewerage system,
  • SO 03 – Delivery conduit Krásnovce – KPS Močarany,
  • SO 04 – Sewerage connections Krásnovce,
  • SO 05 – Pumping stations,
  • SO 06 – Electric connection LV to Pumping stations,
    – sewerage pipeline in length of 4395 m,
    – machine-technological equipment of sewerage Pumping station.

Sewerage Šamudovce

  • pressure sewerage Šamudovce – 1nd construction,
  • SO 01 Sewerage pipeline (including the supplement) – sewage collector „A“ DN 300 length 1288 m / „AD“ DN 300 length 322 m,
  • SO 02 House connections 67 pieces DN 150 length 190 m,
  • SO 04 Pumping station 1 piece.

Sewerage Šamudovce – 2nd construction

  • SO 01 Sewerage pipeline,
  • SO 02 House connections.