Increasing the security of the area against the backwater of the Little Danube and the Klátovský arm from river Váh, 1st stage

General contractor

JV TuCon – VÁHOSTAV SK, Klátovské rameno, Leader of JV – TuCon

Construction period

October 2019 – April 2022

Technology of the construction:

The structure is a flood protection work, which dams the flow of the Klátovský arm and deflects it to the new built river basin.
The dam consists of reinforced concrete „Closing object“ to which knots an earth loose dam on both sides.
„Closing object“ will primarily regulate a water flow from Klátovský arm and influence a height of the water level of the Little Danube. In case of high water level in the Little Danube and impending flood will be possible to return the water back from the Little Danube to the Klátovský arm and hold it in the new built retention space.

Executed Works:

BO 02.1 Connection of the Klátovský arm
BO 02.2 Transverse dam
BO 02.3 Transverse dam – guard house
BO 03.1 Closing object
BO 03.2 Closing object, building of the pumping station
BO 05 Observant and measuring equipment – building part
BO 06.1 Temporary site road to the Closing object
BO 06.2 Adjusting of the dam crest
BO 07 Connection 22 kV to the Closing object
PS 01 Closing object – mechanical part
PS 02 Closing object – electrotechnological part
PS 02.2 Trafostation
PS 02.3 Diesel
PS 02.4 EZS and camera system
PS 02.5 Public lighting
PS 02.6 Observant and measuring equipment